Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Let's Save Some Lives!

It has been awhile since I spoke of Amanda, my daughter with CLD. She has had active disease since she was 15 and will soon be 37. As I look back on this journey with her for the last almost 2 years, I remain optimistic that she will completely heal. 

Amanda has been bedridden for the last 5 months. For the first part of her treatment we tried oral antibiotics, a binder, probiotics, multiple supplements, some homeopathics, and herbal tinctures that target the different infections, but nothing worked. Her GI tract was riddled with Bartonella, causing horrible nausea and vomiting, and she had leaky gut. From September 2010 to September 2011, we visited the ER 17 times because she became dehydrated from vomiting out of control. Seven times in that year she was hospitalized. Each time I would plead with the hospitalist to treat her for infection with either Rocephin or Gentamycin and each time I was refused. "Your daughter does not have Lyme disease as it doesn't exist! Let's call in the therapist". The last time she was in the hospital we had to deal with a particularly challenging young MD who had been involved in her care there at least three previous times. Amanda was so distraught about having to "be at his mercy" that I took her out and we never looked back. Now I have emergent IV meds at home in case her vomiting gets out of control again. Fortunately, we have avoided this by ensuring that Amanda receives her meds every four hours around the clock. With the PICC line I am able to keep her hydrated and give her extra nutrients. We are treating her with IV antibiotics and it has made all the difference.

Once I realized that the current health care system was not going to help her, and we started to treat her at home, she started to turn around. It was scary to start the antibiotics at home initially. Dr. Nathan and Dr. Gordon are supportive and helpful, which gave me the  confidence to proceed, but it was still scary. What if she had an adverse reaction to the meds? Or she started to herx so bad that I couldn't control her symptoms? But I knew if we didn't do it she would not make it so it was a no brainer to proceed. We, my incredible husband, and a friend, Emily, and I stood around Amanda and blessed the medicine and it's effectiveness and away we went!

We have completed two rounds of Gentamycin, which targets the Bartonella primarily, but also targets the Chlamydia pneumonia, Mycoplasma and Lyme a bit. During the first round her joint pain increased and her nausea almost went away. it was the first time in over a year that much of her energy was not wasted on stopping herself from throwing up and she started to really rest, sleeping deeply for up to 18 hours a day. The second round the nausea came back but the pain decreased. Instead of 8/10 pain, even with morphine, it is now consistently a 5/10. She no longer has severe abdominal cramping and sharp shooting pains. Her mind is clearing and she is more present when she is awake. Her world is not as small. Her daily headaches are less and the sharp-shooting nerve pains are gone from her legs, feet, arms and hands.

Now we are using Rocephin which targets all the bacterial infections, but especially the Lyme, Mycoplasma, and C. pneumonia. We will be using Flagyl and Rocephin in a pulsing manner to get at all forms of the Lyme. We are giving IV Phosphatidyl Choline daily for use as a binder as it helps to remove cellular debris and supports the liver. We are making progress.

Now she needs to gain about 15 pounds, eat more protein and alkaline foods. 

Amanda must work on the emotional, mental, psychic and spiritual issues to clear them. She will not get well unless this is accomplished.

From this experience I am learning to move past my own anger over how Lyme patients and their families are treated. The truth is the current system does not get it yet, so it is necessary to work around this denial. As a group, the Lyme community is strong, supportive, discerning, courageous, full of love, and compassion. But many are still stuck in their rage. Rage that their illness was not treated in time to prevent CLD and all the suffering that goes with it. Rage at the ignorance of the current health care system and the IDSA. Rage at insurance companies for failing to cover expenses that having insurance should cover. Rage of family members as they watch their loved one suffer. 

Anger keeps us in fear and enslaved. It keeps us stuck. It steals our personal power and our life force. It stops us from moving forward and into love. We are either in fear or love. While fear takes away personal power, love gives it back. By forgiving and moving past the anger, we are able to heal and move past the limitations caused by CLD and the trauma that is a part of it. Love empowers us, not just to stand united and demand proper treatment and recognition, but in our everyday lives in every moment. And, individually, by moving past all the trauma we get to heal, completely heal all parts of our being. The spiritual and emotional must be addressed in order to heal. I have stated before that I have not met anyone with CLD who has not experienced some type of significant trauma-abuse of any kind, loss of a loved one, physical trauma, or severe physical illness that precipitates the expression of CLD. This must be resolved. By staying in anger this cannot happen. Find some way to get past the rage and into a state of love and forgiveness, and in doing this, reclaim your power. 

One last comment I wish to share is this: It is time for the world to learn about CLD. If those that are unfamiliar with the danger of a tick bite become informed then CLD can ultimately be eradicated or, at the least, relegated to a very small percentage of the population. If providers are educated about the necessity of 6-12 weeks of antibiotics after a tick bite or the first signs of symptoms then CLD doesn't happen. My fervent desire is to spread the word and increase awareness so that people can learn to demand proper care after exposure to a tick bite. Since the health care system is not responding to the epidemic, then as individuals, we must. Let's shine the light on this so awareness grows. Let's save some lives!

Blessings, Mara


  1. Amazing Post Mara! : ) Lots of love to you, Amanda, and Sara xoxo

    1. Bless you Sarah! Love to you!

    2. Dearest Mara, I cannot tell you how much I appreciate what you have said here about rage and the damage it does. I had to walk away from the Lyme community some time back for I could no longer bear the toxicity of the anger that surrounded me as I watched people suffer in rage. What a blessing that I am now able to return to "my" Lyme world because I have found you and Inanna house.

    3. So happy you found us as well Bobbe! Thank you for coming back to the Lyme world, you are another voice that can attest that anger is toxic to healing. Blessings to you!

  2. Right now I am struggling with this anger at the IDSA... very stuck there. It was easier when it was just me, but now it's my son and I rage inside. Afraid to even hope... Good news from the doctor, a very good doctor for lyme, leaves me feeling fragile and afraid to hope even... that's what this anger has done to me. Afraid to hope. This cannot be good. I am working through it though, and know that right now I need to step back so that I can let it go... the anger, not the cause. Thank you Mara. I'm so glad that you have good support for your daughter's treatment. Wishing her every morsel of success that she needs to feel well again... to be well in body, mind, and spirit.

    1. Hang in there Donna. How long have you been ill? and your son? how old is he? what kind of treatment are you doing? Best to you, Mara

    2. I have been dx since Aug 2008 and on treatment since then, EMs in 1978 but other infections since then, once since starting tx. My son is 19, acute lyme we think was misdx as MONO in 2006, 8th grade... He has never been the same, PLUS has no mono antibodies. He was dx in march of 2011 and home bound instruction got him to graduation that year... We do a combination of allopathic abx and herbals, plus supplements.

    3. I wish you great success in your own treatment and that of your son. With all of us working to bring awareness to CLD and what is needed to prevent CLD, I remain hopeful. Consider IV antibiotics along with herbals and other nutrients. The length of time you have had CLD makes IV antibiotics a good way to go...Blessings to you and your family.

  3. Thank you for sharing your daughters story, we are the same age & I feel the frustration. Aside from learning to live with what each day brings (pain, sleep etc) I am trying to work on the emotional side of things, Lyme has taken/changed so much of who I am that I will NOT let it define who i am, which is hard as loved ones care & ask, somedays I just don't want to talk about how I feel or why I'm tired or how the meds are working! Not in denial & not trying to hide from it, just trying to find/figure out who I am rather then just a "person who has Lyme", learning to live with it & manage it.

    1. That is an excellent start for staying positive. You are not the Lyme for sure! Sending you lots of light and love.

  4. I am so sorry your daughter goes through such terrible symptoms with the Lyme and coinfections. Horrible. I get angry sometimes too with all that we have lost due to both my husband and I having Lyme and coinfections. With the endless finanacial drain, physical drain, etc. Look forward to reading your book which I heard about over at A Slice of Lyme....Hope and pray your daughter continues to improve.

    1. I understand the anger. CLD impacts every aspect of our lives! I know from my own experience that if I get past the anger I remain better grounded, more at peace and better able to stay positive in every moment. Feeling angry makes me more tired and drained. Please let me know what you think of the book. Blessings to you and your family.

  5. No one deserves to go through what those with CLD suffer. Or their families! But on some level we took this on as part of our life challenges and to ultimately transcend to a place of health and healing. Just imagine how powerful the shift would be if everyone with CLD healed. It would change the world!

  6. Mara, do you have any suggestions for support and sharing for parents of teens with lyme... feels like life interrupted, but i know this is a very negative mindset. Still grieving I guess, yet he is here and doing the best he can so i must be grateful for that, and i am... but all the 'what ifs'. All I can think is this has to be so normal to feel this way, but who else experiences it? Where are they all?

  7. I understand how you feel. I look around and see others living a 'normal' life while we care for my daughter, watch her work hard to get well and suffer every waking moment. When a family member is so ill with CLD, it does interrupt the lives of those helping them. Our life is planned around her meds and other needs. There are some support groups online and I would encourage you to seek out a support group locally. It might not be specific to parents of teens but having support will help you get through each moment with what you are doing. Many blessings to you and your family. Please friend me on Facebook and that will connect you to others with CLD.

  8. Thanks... your daughter is a real fighter and she is so lucky to have you there in the fight with her! Wishing you all blessings, as well.


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